Thursday 29 October 2020

Post nº 82 // Thursday, October 29th

Hi kids!

Let's get ready to work!

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Reproductive system

Our reproductive system allows us to have babies.
Different animals have different types of reproductive systems.

Some animals reproduce by laying eggs. These are oviparous like birds or reptiles.

Some others reproduce by giving birth to young ones. These are viviparouslike most mammals.

Humans are viviparous animals because babies grow inside their mother's uterus
When the baby is inside the uterus we call it a fetus
The mother gives nutrients to the fetus through a tube called umbilical cord.
Gestation is the time a fetus spends inside the uterus. 
Finally, after 9 months of gestation, the fetus is ready to go out and  the mother gives birth to a baby.

Science book page 12 and 13

Exercises 1 to 6

Nota para el ejercicio 3: En caso de no contar con los stickers, se puede realizar con las siguientes fotos o con dibujos.

If you want to learn more about mammals' reproduction, you can watch this video


Click here: Henry's bedroom

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