Thursday 16 July 2020

Post nº 48 // Thursday, July 16th

Hi kids!

Let's get ready to work!
Word of the day:🔈COAT
Number of the day: 71

Let's make a revision!

Science Book page 16 exercise 1

Find and circle the odd one out

a) plant       human       pencil       animal

b) elephant       dog       cat       mosquito

c) head       thorax       arms       abdomen

Science book page 17 exercise 4

Complete and read the text 

  reptiles  Carnivores  Plant  backbone  arthropods 

 The classification of the Animal Kingdom

We classify animals and plants into the Animal Kingdom and the ________ Kingdom.
Animals can be vertebrates or invertebrates. Vertebrates have a ___________ but invertebrates don't. Mammals, birds, __________, amphibians and fish are vertebrates. Molluscs, ___________ and worms are invertebrates.
Herbivores eat plants, _____________ eat other animals, Omnivores eat plants and other animals.

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