Friday 17 July 2020

Values: Positivity

When You Focus on the Good, The Good Gets Better | Abraham Hicks

Have you ever noticed that you dwell on criticisms more than compliments? 

This is how the human brain works, even from a young age. Our well-meaning brains want to protect us and ensure our survival, so they constantly scan the environment for threats. The brain’s tendency to focus on the negative is called “negativity bias.” 

So, if you’re worried that you emphasize the negative, know that it’s normal!
And there’s even better news: 
Thanks to a phenomenon called neuroplasticity, it’s possible to rewire the brain for positivity.

If you practice positivity, you train your brains to look on the bright side.

 Emotions are the navigation system that guides us through life, and we need all of them, both the good and the “bad.” 
We need to understand that all emotions are normal and valid. 

I don’t want to encourage you to hide or bury your feelings. Instead, I want to teach you how to identify, accept, and process your feelings.

Let´s write our "School from home" memories to point out the positive in this situation. This helps train the brain to look on the bright side!

Acknowledge the negative experience or emotion while also finding a positive aspect!

Homework for Winter Holidays:

At least once each day, take a moment to let someone know you’ve noticed something positive about them.

Even small acts of kindness boost happiness levels and release “feel-good chemicals” in the brain. 

So, if you want to promote positivity within your family, simply being kind goes a long way.

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