Wednesday 5 August 2020

Arts & Crafts

Test your aim!

Let's have an airplane race and test our aim!

# of players needed: You can play alone but it will be a lot more fun if you invite your family to join you!

  • Cardboard
  • Paper
  • Marker
  • Scissors

Here is an easy and quick tutorial on how to make the airplanes:

How to prepare the game:
  • Grab a big piece of cardboard or glue some papers together.
  • Cut 4/5 different-sized holes (or as many as you want). Remember to ask your parents for help.
  • Choose the scores for each hole. The smaller the hole, the higher the score!
  • Feel free to decorate the game however you like and have fun!
*The number of tries each one has is up to you! 

Here are some examples of how you could do it: 

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