Hi Kids!
Science book unit 4: page 24 and 25
Nota: Para aquellos que no poseen el libro de Science, debajo de cada ejercicio dejamos una copia de la actividad.
Flowers, seeds and fruits
Some plants have flowers. Some flowers turn into fruits. Fruits contain seeds. When fruits falls to the ground, new plants grow from the seeds inside them.
It is a life cycle.
Flowers have different parts
Exercise 1: 👂Listen and label the flower.
Aclaración: Hubo un error en la compaginación del audio con la numeración del esquema de la flor en el libro. Seguir la numeración del siguiente esquema para realizar la actividad.
What are the parts of a flower for?
Petals' bright colours attract insects, like bees, butterflies and bumblebees. They are called pollinators because they move pollen from one flower to another.

Stamens produce pollen, what plants need to produce seeds and fruits.

Pistils are part of the plant's reproductive system. Here the pollen that the pollinators bring becomes seeds and fruits.
Sepals protect the bud (the newly created flower) .
Exercise 2: Find and write the parts of a flower.
Exercise 4: How many seeds do these fruits have? Match.
Exercise 5: Write the name of the correct fruit.
Exercise 6: Number the pictures in the correct order.
If you liked these activities and you're interested in plants, flowers and their life cycle, you can watch this video for more info.
Complete the activity from the Maths Book 2A (page 11)
Listen to Miss Isa talking about what she did yesterday and complete the activity.
Hola! El audio correspondiente al ejercicio 1 de la pagina 24, respeta las flechas que indican cada parte en la imagen del blog pero NO en la ilustración del libro! Recién me dí cuenta revisando la tarea de Juani. Ups!
DeleteMuchas gracias por avisarnos! Lo chequeamos y nos dimos cuenta que hay un error en la publicación del libro versus el audio correspondiente. Vamos a agregar una aclaración para la actividad para que lo hagan siguiendo el orden del libro.