Tuesday 21 April 2020

Values: FAMILY

What family member(s) are you grateful for today?

“Family” is a bond, a long-lasting relationship that holds its members together with the thread of love.
It is through a family that we learn the values of love, trust, hope and belief. We need to learn the importance of family and how our family helps us in building a strong future!


Today we are going to create a "Tree of thanks" !

You will need :

- Your Gratitude Journal!
- Color pencils
-Color markers

Optional materials:

-an old box
- green paper
-glue pot


1. We are going to be thankful for our family members so... let's start thinking! Take your time, look at family photos or try to remember fun moments that you have shared with them.

2. When you are ready, you can draw a tree silhouette with a color pencil/marker or you can cut it out of an old box!
(If you cut it out of a box, remember to paste it!)

3. Finally, it’s time to add your family members!
You can draw some leaves and write your 
family members’ names on each leaf, or you can use your scissors to cut green paper into leaf shapes and write the names there!
Don't forget to paste them on the tree branches!

I loved sharing my family tree with you. 
Let me see yours!
A hug as big as a tree...


  1. Hola! Consulta, a que mail enviamos los trabajos de Values? Graciassss

    1. Hola! Los trabajos de values no es necesario enviarlos, pero sí nos encantaría ver las fotos de lo que hacen los chicos! En este caso, pueden ser enviados a la misma dirección de mail que utilizamos para las actividades de Inglés.

  2. I love your project, Justi Premet.

    1. Thank you Justi!!
      I am sure you did an amazing Tree of Thanks!
