Wednesday 15 April 2020

Values: Friendship

What friend(s)are you grateful for?


A good friend is a cheerleader who encourages and cheers on and cheers up others.
A good friend thinks about what they say and works hard not to hurt your feelings on purpose.
A good friend is thoughtful and generous. 

Today we are going to slow down and take the time to compliment our friends and show them what we love about them.

We are going to make a flower kindness craft!

You are going to need:
Color pages 
A pair of scissors 
A glue pot 

1. Draw and cut the parts of the plant on your color pages. You can use different colors pages! 
You are going to need: a stem, some leafs, the center of the flower and some petals. 
2. Write the friend’s name on the center of the flower. 
3. Write down words that describe your friend in the petals. For example: kind, funny, helpful,etc. 
4. Use a glue pot to glue the leaf to the stem. Then glue the center of the flower to the stem. 
5. Finally glue each petal to the center of the flower. 

This is a beautiful present that you can give to your friends to show them how special they are and how grateful you are for their friendship. 

When you finish these activity take 5 minutes and write on your gratitude journal your friend’s names and why you feel thankful to be their friend. 

 I can’t wait to see the beautiful flowers you are going to make!

See you!


  1. Ms Agus tus actividades son todas hermosas y vos sos una dulce y genia besos de vicu las. me gusta cuando apareces en las fotos y videos.

    1. Vicu:
      ¡Gracias por tan lindo comentario! Me hizo muy feliz leerlo.
      ¡Me super alegro que estĂ©s disfrutando las actividades!
      ¡¡Te mando un abrazo ENOOOORME!!
